Short version: Norah got to meet Cinderella while we were at Disneyland, which she had been hoping to do ever since we got there. She was thrilled beyond words, literally. Skip to pictures...
If you want it, here's the rest....so, the second day we were at Disneyland we made a stop at the Princess Faire (I think that's what it's called). It's darling and SO fun for any princess obsessed little girls like Norah. One of the things they have there is a "Princess Row" where you can wait in line and then walk down this garden-like area where all of the princesses are and meet them, take pictures, etc. Well, when we got there I asked one of the princess attendants how long the line would take--45 mins to and hour. Yikes. The cute little attendant asked if there was a certain princess that we were especially hoping to meet today, to which we both replied "Cinderella's all that really matters." "Oh wonderful! I think she's here today!" (Imagine that in the squeaky princess voice.) ANYWAY, I sent Jason to go stand in the line (what a great hubby/daddy huh?!) and I took Norah and Ellis to go listen to Sleeping Beauty give a storytime. About 5 minutes into it the attendant comes back over and asks "Would you like to meet a surprise princess today without having to wait in a line?" Um, YES please! So, after story time I grabbed Jason out of the other line and we went over to the designated spot and waited for them to come get us (during which I had to feed Ellis and was hurrying him along so I wouldn't miss the reveal). After a couple minutes she comes around to get us and brings us in front of a "secret" room with a big velvet drape across the doorway and asks Norah, "Are you ready to meet your surprise princess? She's very excited to meet you!" pulls back the velvet drape, and reveals....Cinderella and Minnie Mouse! Norah was SPEECHLESS. She couldn't even MOVE. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Our bouncy, outgoing, chatterbox little girl turned into a statue. By the expression on her face I imagine something like this was going through her head: "Is it really her? Could it be? I can't believe Cinderella is talking to me! Am I dreaming?" She was in complete and utter shock and amazement. I think her being on the young side of most princess fans made it even funnier because she REALLY thought it WAS Cinderella. And boy do they do a good job, even their vocabulary is princess-ish.
Anyway, I can't believe I've gone on and on about this and if someone is actually still reading I'm sure I've bored you to death and there's a little pool of drool on your keyboard. Sorry. Here are some more pictures, although they really don't do it justice.

That's me trying to usher her up near them. When they opened the door she just stood there in total disbelief so I had to sheppard her up there.

Ohhhh.....so excited.

Couldn't stop staring.

After meeting Cinderella we went to the "Coronation Ceremony" and Sleeping Beauty came and danced with Norah. She was one lucky girl!!
DARLING!!! What a "Dream come true" for Norah.
Wow. Maddie and I are very jealous. lol. I REALLY need to take Maddie to Disneyland. Some people think she's too young or whatever but she knows all the characters and has the best reactions to things like that! Even if she never remembered going I would have a ton of pictures of her loving it. What a cute lil Norah. I LOVE the Minnie mouse pic! lol.
how is it possible that norah can be so entertaining even in pictures? i read AND appreciated the long story by the way:)
Oh Norah, you are a precious princess....
too cute. loved the facial expressions and the fun story!
I just added the paparazzi photos to our blog. They make me laugh every time I see them. We miss you guys!
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