It's taken long enough, but here's a glimpse of what we did on our trip last month. Uncle Eric joined us for a trip down south and we all had a great time. The kids (MIRACULOUSLY) were wonderful in the car, Norah LOVED the beach and Disneyland, and we all had a wonderful visit with family and friends.

Norah glued to Grandma Mary's portable DVD player. The ride was actually a treat for her with the help of this little device. She turns into a zombie when she watches TV, and zombie behavior is very convenient for long car rides. Seriously, check out that zombie stare.
Our first stop was visiting some of my Dad's family that we hadn't seen in years and years. It was such a wonderful reunion! They are the sweetest, most loving people and made us feel so welcomed. It was such a treat to all get caught up and share some funny stories about Dad. Norah fell in love with Chips (the dog).
Us with some of the gang. Ellis is such a chunk!
We had dinner with Bob, an old friend of my Dad's that was roommates with him back in his college years. Back in December Bob had been wanting to get back in touch with Dad and googled him for his information, but the first thing that came up was his obituary from three weeks prior. To make a long story short, we got in contact with him and were able to meet him for dinner while we were down in the area. He is an amazing, kind, sincere person who gave us some great advice and some hilarious memories of Dad. We're excited to keep in touch with him and are really glad we caught up with him while we were down there.
Lots of fun at the beach...
and in the sand.
Ellis didn't love the beach so much, but it was hot and he was tired, so who can blame him.
We also got to see our good friends Scott and Karisa while we were down there. They are SO cute with the kids and hilarious as always. We wish we lived closer!
Ellis finally asleep.
How could we resist a trip to Disneyland when we were already all the way down there?? It was really fun, although much more crowded than we were hoping, and way hotter than we would have liked. Funny tid-bit about Goofy. I'll often say to Norah, "You're so goofy," to which she replies with a tell-it-how-it-is look on her face, "No, I'm not Goofy, I'm Norah!" I guess you can't blame her for the confusion.
Uncle Eric was a good sport and joined us at Disneyland for one of the days. Although he did only last until about 4:00. But for a single, kid-less, 21 year old guy, Disneyland is far from the "happiest place on earth."
Ellis' first trip to Disneyland!
Cute Scott and Karisa. They joined us one night at Disneyland.
She LOVED meeting all the characters, but the best of all was Cinderella (separate post to come). Overall, we had a wonderful trip and a great time visiting with everyone. Great end to the summer!!!
I live down close to Disneyland you should of given me a call:)We have Disneyland passes so we go all the time. What fun it is hu? What Beach did you guys go to? We live in Redondo Beach now. We love it here so much. Hope all is well with you and your cute family. Ellis is getting so big:) Crazy how fast they grow up hu? We just found out that we are having a boy in feb. We are super excited about it. Maci's girls are so cute! I love looking at the pic's on her bolg. What fun she will have with them when they get to be older.
well... talk with ya later
Ging :)
Ahhh so cute! We wish we lived closer to you guys too...well we wish you lived closer to us! Thanks again for Driving down to SF last week, we had such a great time with you guys!
I feel like I went on your trip with you now! The pictures are really cute...I love how Ellis snuck into the one of you with your dad's friend!
I can't wait to take Kylie to D-Land. And Ellis looks so much like you Chrissie!!! What a cutie pie
fun photos, fun trip.....
next you'll have to blog about your utah trip!
I love that "down south" is Disneyland for you guys...I was picturing Alabama or something...hehe. The kids are so cute. I'm so glad I got to meet little Ellis...what a cutie! Love you guys.
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