We can't believe it! Our precious little man turned 6 months old today. He has been such a joy in our lives it's hard to imagine that he ever wasn't part of our family. He's completely entertaining and utterly squeezable. And I'm convinced he has THE most kissable face ever. There's something about his chubby cheeks and pudgy neck that you just can't resist. Anyway, I thought I'd share some things you all might not know about Ellis and give you a glimpse into what he's up to these days. Went through and picked out some of my favorite recent pictures, but you're going to laugh because there's tons.... so, if you're short on time or not in the mood to hear a mom gush over her baby, this isn't the post for you.
He's sitting up and loving it. Now he can reach all of his toys!
A close up of his knee roll. It's true, he has a knee roll. He is a big boy-- in the 97% for his height and head, and 77% for weight last time I took him for a check-up. Although, I can't imagine what he would look like at 97% weight. I kind of feel like I never had a "baby," and my back sure doesn't feel like it either.
His toes are his best friends. He LOVES sucking on his toes. He sucks on his toes as much as some babies such on their thumbs. Sometimes it's really loud too. We occasionally hear it over the monitor. Ha!
The best word to describe his personality is jolly. All you have to do is look in his direction and suddenly he smiles big enough to eat your head while flailing his arms and kicking his feet wildly with excitement. Even when you wake him up from a nap he opens his eyes and is instantly smiling. He has the best belly laugh and is VERY ticklish.
He's a blankie boy. He loves his blankies. When we hand him his blanket in his crib he excitedly grabs it and smiles huge, then he pulls it with him as he turns to sleep on his side.
I just love this picture of his pot belly. Don't you love how baby cheeks look so heavy when they sleep and make their lips become all pursed. (If you don't know what I'm talking about look at the picture above this one.)
He's such a boy in so many ways. The rowdier you play with him, the more he laughs. He's already banging all his toys violently and beating things on his highchair in a way that Norah never did. And his toots are SO loud. So loud that I'm sure the people at the grocery totally think it must be me.
He's eating food! So far yes on the sweet potatoes, no on the green beans.
He makes a really sad frowny face that is hard to ignore. Overall he his a happy baby, but I definitely wouldn't call him mellow. Especially early on he was a bit high maintenance but seems to have grown out of it.
He's a MAMA's boy. And I LOVE it.
He loves his Daddy too though.
This is the watching-Norah-do-something-crazy face that he often has. She loves to "entertain" him by bouncing up and down, running around him while singing "Ring Around the Rosie," or whatever other antics she may be up to.
He loves his sister soooo much. He thinks she is totally hilarious and can't wait to see her when he wakes up. She is a very sweet sister and loves to "read" him books and "play" with him as much as she can. Whenever he's crying she immediately bursts into song to try to calm him down.
He says no to crack....most the time.
What a cute little man you have!!! Happy 6 month Ellis
I can't believe he is really 6 months already?! I love these pictures...especially the cute crack shot. He is such a cutie! I think he looks so much like his mamma.
While reading this and looking at his many pictures I was thinking, he definately has his own look in a lot of them but he also looks so much like Norah in a few of them. It's adorable! I love his face!
What a love. He's definitely a combo of all three of you. SO YUMMY!!!!
you already know who i think he looks like!
sorry chrissie - that "mommy" comment was from nana kathy....
Oh how cute! Happy 1/2 b-day Ellis! I think he is a good combo of all of you. Sometimes I see a lot of Jason in him and sometimes I see a lot of you & Norah in him. Who ever he looks like, he is for sure a cute baby!
one word chrissie....delicious!
I'm so glad you posted this! I was just talking to my mom about how different Ellis is going to look when I see him next. He is DARLING! In the black & white pic. on the side I think he looks just like you! But in these updated pics. I think he's starting to look like a Brown. He's a mixture. He has your dimples and your eye shape it seems. Man I miss you guys!!!! And yes, Tre does look like my side of the fam I think. He reminds me of Alec a little bit. He has the same hair calic.
you described cute ellis perfectly! love all of the "chubby" pictures. i think he looks like jason with your coloring and norah's facial expressions:)
I'd say he's a perfect mix of both of you! What a cute boy!! Those cheeks are VERY kissable.
Miss you guys!
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