Grandma Brown made the adorable skunk costume for one of the cousins and many of them have worn it since. Ellis filled it out nicely with his chubby cheeks. And enjoyed eating the black fur.
Little piggy LOVED trick or treating.
Norah looking like a ghetto pig throwing up some gang signs here. Truth is her "head" kept falling into her eyes and so she's peaking out from under it. As far as I know pink isn't typically a gang color so I think we're okay.
Norah having fun at the church Halloween party with her cute twin friends Courtney and Aubrey. This mid-air skip-hop with sucker in mouth is accurate of just how much she loved Halloween. This girl is all about candy, being social, and dressing up, so no surprise she was all over it.
My darling little skunk looked like this all night at the church party but didn't ever really complain. Maybe he was too hot to have enough energy to. He's so cute I just can't handle it.
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