Stealing a lick of frosting.

We had a party with her and some of her friends at the house. She had a blast! This is the most accurate depiction of her. She was either running, bouncing, swimming, sliding, or eating and wasn't willing to pause for a photo.

Babies and bubbles are a winning combination.

On her actual birthday we had my family over to celebrate. Grandma Mary scored some major points by getting her the gift she wanted most....the classic Little Tykes car. Uncle Eric scored even more points by painstakingly putting it together. Wasn't as easy as you would think, especially with an anxious 2 year old who couldn't wait to take a spin. She was SO excited.

Such a big girl. And a very happy one. She had a GREAT birthday. (Pay no mind to the ladybug cake. I wanted to do something cute, but ended up having to do it in 10 minutes to feed the hungry uncles. She seemed to like it though. More for the sugar than the decoration no doubt...)

Norah's had TONS of fun swimming this year. Once we converted her to a human floatation device she could "swim like a big girl" all by herself. We discovered later that all she needed were the floaties (minus the inflatable swimsuit) to be able to get around on her own but the marshmallow look provided a lot of laughs.

The Edmond's (Jason's sister and her family) came out for their annual summer visit. We love them! Their 5 boys are so sweet with Norah-- she's constantly asking to play with Colby and doesn't quite grasp that they live 13 hours away. They got to meet Ellis and we all went to Six Flags/Marine World (am I the only one who still calls it Marine World?) one day. Can't wait to see them again at Christmas.

Norah got her face painted for the first time at our stake Pioneer Day Celebration. It was momentous occasion for her. She's STILL talking about it.

Spent lots of the summer oodling over our not-so-little baby Ellis whose already 4 months old. Here he's working his charm on Grandma Mary. It's hard to get anything done with his cute little face staring at you like that.

A business associate of Jason's owns a horse ranch and invited us to bring Norah out for a pony ride. We gladly accepted of course.

No cowgirl is complete without pink boots. (Thank you Target- $5!)

She was a pro. Jason didn't even really have to hold her. She especially appreciated the horses name: "Princess Princess."
More to come from our trip to Southern California...
keep the pictures coming gurl-- your kids are too cute!
I love the picture of Norah on the pony...I think that's a necessary picture for every child (and killer boots man!). We sure miss you guys. I can't believe how fast those little munchkins grow!
yes, the pictures are so cute! you guys had a busy summer!
oh how i miss that norah girl!!! she is a little animal lover. Just don't let her get involved with PETA.
Oh Wow! Who is that good looking Edmonds kid in the orange hat? Where did he get his good looks? His Dad? I can see why Norah misses a kid like that! LOL!
By the way...
I am on a friends address so don't freak-out!
See you at Christmas!
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