Alright, so after numerous requests I am finally posting some belly pictures. Everyone keeps asking to see some, which I think really just means "we want to see how huge you've gotten," but either way, here they are for your viewing pleasure. So, I definitely feel like I'm carrying this baby different than Norah. I think it must be a boy/girl thing. With Norah my belly didn't stick out nearly as far, but I was rounder. This one seems to be straight out which has made daily tasks like picking up toys difficult to say the least. For example, a couple weeks ago I was washing the dishes and noticed an ant crawling across the counter. I reached over to grab a paper towel and when I looked back the ant was dead. Staring at it for a few seconds, I couldn't figure out what in the world had happened....and then I realized.....I killed the poor thing WITH MY BELLY while reaching for the paper towels. Ha!
Just the other day @ 9 months and about to pop:
Here are some @ 8 months:
Yes, we have matching coats. I didn't buy them together--my mom actually got the coat for Norah, and I got mine seperately without thinking about it. But when I realized it, I couldn't resist it. Don't judge us--you know you would do it too. :)
At about 6.5 months:

You look so good!! Oh man...I hope I look that good next time. Gorgeous!
I was thinking the same thing...not next time, since I've never been pregnant...but whenever I have a baby. You look like you haven't even gained weight apart from the belly. You look GOOD GURL!
Maybe it's the way you should train me. Wait, it's probably just natural good looks. Dang it!
Oh yeah, thank you for finally posting something. I've been checking your blog in vain for weeks.
Can't wait to hang out with you guys.
You are like the cutest pregnant lady I've seen. Lucky you.. and Jason. :)
you look so good! you are such a hot momma!
So cute Chrissie! I can't wait for the little love to arrive! Nora's mothering skills will finally be put in to complete action. What are you naming him? Is it a secret? YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL.
you have to be the cutest, most beautiful, best-dressed pregnant woman ever! no fair. Your face doesn't completely change when you're pregnant like mine does. I'm not myself unless I am at my lowest ideal weight. Your hair is so beautiful, love the cut.
oh, and I like the new look of your site, and I'm always so excited to see a new post. i hope there will be a baby arrival email soon!
You guys are all so nice! If I knew I would have recieved so many nice compliments I would have posted them long ago. :) Everyday now I'm getting bigger and bigger and more un-flattering though. This baby better come soon. And unless he weighs 35 lbs. there's still going to be a lot of work afterwards to get back to "normal." Darn...the things that we do for our babies.
I love that my name on your list is "Kaisa and boys". Guess that pretty much sums us up! (: I need to make you lunch again. Call me.
I've been thinking about you lately...have you had your babe? I love the belly shots, you really do look so incredible! I could use a few tips when my round 2 comes.
When you guys feel up for it, we would love to hit the tennis courts with you!
CONGRATS BROWNS!!!!!! Beautiful baby boy!
Chrissie! I had no idea you were even pregnant and then I found your blog on nate and diana's and saw this! congratulations. you are a cute(and little) pregnant lady and I'm so happy for you. By the way, this is Brittany Statham(formerly case you were confused)
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