Easter at the Brown's house was really fun this year, especially because this was the first year that Norah was old enough to have a true
Easter egg hunt. We started the day off by going to church, then had my mom, my brothers, and Chuck and his daughter Savannah and her finance John over for an Easter lunch. After that we headed to the Brown's for Easter dinner with the family. It was busy as usual, but so much fun. Having little ones around for the holidays really brings the magic back. It was so sweet to watch her get so excited at every point of the day and really reminded me how wonderful it is to be a mom. I love being a mommy and watching her
excitement and enthusiasm. Celebrating the Savior and spending time with family and friends made it a perfect day.

My mom brought over her traditional bunny cake which she has made every year for the past 25 years or so. Norah loved it! I remember helping her make it as a little one. On one
occasion when I was about 3 we were delivering bunny cakes to the neighbors and I insisted on carrying it myself. Let's just say that the cake was
delivered with a little more than the fake coconut grass....

Look, Mommy, CAKE!
Yummmm.... Norah has become obsessed with these bunny ears. She wants to wear them all the time when we go out. This will probably last well beyond the Easter season as she really has no concept of things associated with holidays ending at any particular time. Prime example: every night she requests me to sing "Jingle Bells" to her. Yes, even in April, I am singing Jingle Bells on a nightly basis. Who am I to burst her bubble?

Showing off her Easter basket to Mommy. Great Gram- notice the cute stuffed bunny in the basket? :)

Mouth full of jelly beans.

She had a blast looking for eggs all over the yard. Although, she did get a little distracted when she figured out how to open the eggs herself.

Stealing jelly beans from Uncle Jim.

Good job, Eric! You found one too!

She possibly set the world record for number of jelly beans eaten by a 20 month old girl in one day. And she's not lady-like about it either. She grabs as many as she can in her little paws and shoves them all in at once.

Happy Easter!