I'm a horrible blogger, we all know it. Moving on... :) (Oh, and this will be long, because if I'm going to spend the time doing it it might as well be useful as a family journal, right? Sorry if you're bored, just look at the pictures.) So, in September Jason and Norah had their first day of school on the same day. How cute is that, huh? So here is their cute little "first day of school" picture together. They were both very excited, Jason to start his MBA at UC Davis, and Norah to start her first year of preschool. Jason's been really loving his program. It's challenging and busy, but so was work, and we're not paying all that tuition for nothing, so it's been great. Norah has loved loved LOVED school. I really had my doubts for awhile about what was the right choice for her, however, in the end, it has been perfect. It's a darling little nursery school, she goes 2 days a week for 3 hours, which is in my opinion a perfect amount for her right now. So I don't forget her special first day of "school," here's the story. (Note: would have documented Jason's first day in such detail as well, but can you believe he was against it? haha)
She was very excited--can you tell? First story is her outfit. Norah can sometimes be, well, let's say... opinionated, about what she wears. And let's face it, I am too. Even though I know my life would be much easier if I let her wear what she wanted, and even though I know it doesn't REALLY matter, I just can't give into her wearing polka dot pants with a striped shirt and crazy lady hair. So, to avoid a potential damper on her special day we headed over to the outlets where I let her pick out a special first-day-of-school outfit (I would have gone with the teal, but the pink is cute too). She looked adorable and was so excited, especially about the shoes.
Giving Daddy a squeeze before they both headed off to class.
It's so hard to believe that she's getting so big and independent. I often ask them to "stop growing, don't get any bigger." It doesn't seem to work of course.
Send off for Daddy.
This is outside of her preschool. While waiting for them to open the doors, Norah picked a flower. "Here Mom, I picked a flower for you." We didn't tell Teacher Ann though.
Although she was very excited about school she did want me to come in with her for a little bit. So for about 15 minutes or so she had fun showing Brother around. Here they're very excited about the pet turtle, Leroy.
After she was settled in Ellis and I got back in the car and drove home, and I cried all the way. I felt like a big dork, but getting in the car I just did the math. Two years of preschool and then she'll be in kindergarten. Crazy!
She was so happy when we picked her up, and that made me feel much better. She made this hat, and got a sucker. What 3 year old wouldn't be happy?

Happy girl.
Showing off her art (her favorite part of preschool).
My sweet girl. Not the best picture of me, but her face is just so sweet and happy. She was just beaming and kept asking me, "Mom, can we go to school again someday?" Looks like she's taking after her mommy in that regard. I LOVED school as a kid.
She wanted to make a hat for Brother too (aka Ellis, she calls him Brother). He was thrilled.
And then one for Mommy......
Ellis saying "cheese!" with his hat. It was hilarious how excited he was.
Well, Norah, we're so glad you love school, and we're so proud of all the good choices you make. You're our sweet, smart, spunky girl, and we just can't get enough. Every prayer since her first day of school has included, "and thank you for my class..." I guess it was the right choice.
You've got me all teared-up reading this post about pre-school.
Jason looks thin and you look gorgeous, as always! What a beautiful family!!!
Good to get an update on how you guys are doing. I love the story about Norah's first day at preschool. She is adorable. And Ellis can't be forgotten, he is one handsome little man. Hope to see you guys soon.
I am always surprised if there's a new post! :) pleasantly surprised of course! This was great. I enjoyed and related to all of it! And sorry, but you cannot take a bad picture. You look beautiful in every picture.Also,did you get a new camera? THese pictures are really great.
School is awesome Norah! Man she is such a cutie and that Ellis is heart jerker too! Can't wait to see you guys!!!
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