Don't be fooled. See the paved road? We drove 90% of the way and then took a little walk around to see the view. Short and sweet, which is just what we needed.
Yes, he is sleeping in a drawer. With two "babies" and only one porta-crib, we decided to hold up the family tradition of babies in a drawer. When I was a wee one my mom had me sleep in the drawer up at my grandparents lake house and we have laughed about it over the years. It really is the perfect traveling crib though: don't need to pack it, it's portable, nice and cozy for the little one, doesn't take up a lot of room, it's free......see, I've convinced you, huh?!
Pool was pretty cold, but Daddy was a good sport. She, of course, didn't seem to notice.
Grandma loves the babies, and it is DEFINITELY mutual. She has the magic touch!
Sunglasses are a must with Norah in the car. Ever since she was just over a year she's had a real serious problem with the sun in her eyes. If it was sunny out, and I don't mean sun in her eyes but just sunny in general, she would yell "OWIES, Mommy, OWIES!" over and over while shielding her eyes with her hands. One day Grandma Barbara was watching her and she wouldn't go down for her nap so they jumped in the car hoping that would help. At each cry of "owies, Grandma!" she would turn the car the opposite direction like the sweet, tender grandma she is. The "owie" request eventually lead them all the way to Cameron Park! Ha! She's grown out of it a bit, but we still keep them on hand just in case.
such cute pictures! i love the baby in the drawer... if only they made dressers that came with babies in the drawers... that would be neat! totally reminded me of seinfeld by the way...
I actually have never been to Tahoe. And I need to! It looks beautiful. Paisley hates the sun in her eyes too, why haven't I thought of sunglasses? don't answer that.
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