Kale, Scott, Karisa, and us in California Adventure. We have such cute friends!

Norah loved the Moster's Inc. ride. It might look like she's petrified, but actually she had a blast. Jason and the rest of the gang rode the Tower of Terror a couple times, and since I was prego Norah and I rode this aboout 4 times in a row. It's so cute! "It's a small world" was actually her favorite ride, but this took a close 2nd.

Really attractive, I know. We had been warned that she would probably be frightened by the Bugs Life show/movie, but she actually did really well. I was another story....

This picture is priceless. Out of our entire Disneyland experience, guess what her favorite part was? The parade! She loved it so much that we kept running ahead so she could watch it over and over.

Our pretty girl.

Documentation of how hot it was. Notice the sweaty head.

So, Norah loved the electric parade...up until Pete's dragon rounded the corner. She got pretty freaked out. We should have been more concerned, but it was pretty commical. Especially considering I believe the girl in that movie is named Norah.