The birthday girls. Norah and Emily share the same birthday, so we got to celebrate Emily's 14th birthday and Norah's 1st birthday while we were in Tahoe. It was so fun to have Emily and the rest of the St. Louis gang there. Special day!
I think she liked her cake. What do you think?

Birthday girl. I cannot believe she turned 1. It's 2 months later and I still can't believe it. Oh, such a big girl. What they say is true....it really does go by fast.

I bought Norah this life jacket before we left so we could take her out on the lake. As you can see, it didn't go over so well. Neither did the ride in the dingy. She clung onto me the whole time. So sad.
Sarah and Aunt Sue are professional rowers. There was some gossip about who was working hard and who wasn't at paddling on the float trip. I wasn't there, but experienced first hand on the dingy their skills. Mad skills.
This trip was the first time "Great" Grandpa met Norah. It was really sweet because she really bonded with him right away. She'd come up to him to say hello and "talk" to him. It was great to have him there.
The traditional 4 generations picture.
Aunt Sue lounging in the hammock. She tied a extension cord to the tree so you could swing yourself. Funny enough, Chuck was searching around the house looking for an extension cord later that day.....oops!

I'd like to say that someone yelled "Vougue" before taking this picture, which might explain Jason's arm-over-the-head pose. I guess we'll never know what his inspiration was for that one. Still a cutie though.

I'd like to say that someone yelled "Vougue" before taking this picture, which might explain Jason's arm-over-the-head pose. I guess we'll never know what his inspiration was for that one. Still a cutie though.